Family database Juling
Public Juling > Herbert > Family research > Family database > List of names
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There are 19 individuals named RUPINCK in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
For hints and question concerning the data please and if there's something wrong with the database technique or you have an idea how to make it better, please contact Herbert Juling (
sorted by: Last name First name Birth Death Place of birth

RUPINCK, Vater * about 1440 in Lohne?, + in

RUPINCK, Mensen * about 1470 in Lohne, + in
RUPINCK, Toebe * about 1474 in Lohne, + in

RUPINCK, Johann * about 1500 in Lohne, + about 1529 in Lohne
RUPINCK, Clemens (Mense) * about 1505 in Lohne, + in Lohne

RUPINCK, Mensen * about 1523 in Lohne, + in
RUPINCK, Johann * about 1524 in Lohne, + in Drenthe (NL)
RUPINCK, Wernse * about 1526 in Lohne, + in Ter Apel (NL)?
RUPINCK, Hille * about 1528 in Lohne, + in Wietmarschen

RUPINCK, Susanna * about 1531 in Lohne, + in Gemmingen
RUPINCK, Euphemia * about 1533 in Lohne, + after 1570 in Gemmingen
RUPINCK, Talle * about 1535 in Lohne, + in
RUPINCK, Anna * about 1538 in Lohne, + in

RUPINCK, Euphemia * about 1548 in Wietmarschen, + in Nordlohne

RUPINCK, Johann * about 1550 in Wietmarschen, + in
RUPINCK, Hermann * about 1553 in Wietmarschen, + in
RUPINCK, Hille * about 1555 in Wietmarschen, + in
RUPINCK, Gese * about 1557 in Lohne, + in
RUPINCK, Tochter * about 1559 in Wietmarschen, + in
Last update: 10.07.2002
Ancestors list
List of names
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